~ The Boniface Family ~
A warm evening in December and the gorgeous Boniface family decided that they would go for a walk. They are playful and happy, walking along the trail behind The Paradise Valley Hotel, and taking in the stunning evening that was provided to us. The walking track is really well maintained and can get you to Gembrook following the Puffing Billy train line if you don't mind walking the 17km track.
The Boniface family wanted their photography session to feel natural, and a walk is a great way to go if you have older children. As your kids grow you might find that they just might not be into cuddles as much as they were (well not in public anyway), and connection may not come quite as easily as it once did, so lets give them something to do.
Walking or playing some sort of game, such as eye spy, can really help set children at ease, encouraging them to talk and interact and not focus so much on the camera. These guys quite enjoyed shoving each other off the train tracks, dad was by far the biggest instigator in this and the girls certainly didn't hold back shoving him right back.